Series 11: Publications and Reports Donated by CASC (Coalition for Academic Supercomputing Centers), 1992
Scope and Contents
About 20 items.
Topics include supercomputer centers, living in the 21st century, NREN including its security policy, technology and America's public schools, U.S. policy (economic and technological, science and technology, telecommunications, competitive strength), National Technology Initiative, Japan, NSF and its vBNS, youth policy and telecommunications, SC'92.
Publishers include Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government; EDUCOM; FCCSET; HPCC agencies; print media.
- Creation: 1992
Scope and Contents
About 20 items.
Topics include supercomputer centers, living in the 21st century, NREN including its security policy, technology and America's public schools, U.S. policy (economic and technological, science and technology, telecommunications, competitive strength), National Technology Initiative, Japan, NSF and its vBNS, youth policy and telecommunications, SC'92.
Publishers include Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government; EDUCOM; FCCSET; HPCC agencies; print media.
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