Series 127: Mental Health Librarians Section / Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section / Pharmacy Group / Public Health and Health Administration Section / Research Group / Veterinary Medical Section
Scope and Contents
Mental Health Librarians Section: Neeta Shah's files comprise this series (except for the paper from Robert Lewis) which she gathered as a member and chair of the committee. Shah's chronological arrangement was maintained.
Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section: The Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section was organized in 1962. Elisabeth Wittman's files as editor of the section newsletter comprise the papers. Originally organized by newsletter... volume, the processor separated newsletters and correspondence and arranged them in chronological order.
Pharmacy Group: Helen Hlavec, Secretary of the Pharmacy Group files consist of speeches presented at the 1951 meeting, including Barbara Cowles's, "Indexing and Abstracting of Pharmaceutical Literature," and W. Southern's "Pharmaceutical Libraries: Services and Cooperation." Hlvavec's files cover the years 1949 to 1951. The 1957 file contains a report by Elizabeth D. Marsh on "Pharmacy Schedules in Classification." Correspondence from the chairman, Theodora Andrews and the secretary, Jean Lotzke are located in the 1960-61 file. Material from the Pharmaceutical Section of the SLA is in the 1960 folder.
Public Health and Health Administration Section (PHAHA): PHAHA started in 1974. The records from 1974 to 1979 come from Winifred Sewell, who served as the recording secretary at the group's meetings. Sewell's chairman files are supplemented with carbon copies sent to Carol Arnold as chair-elect.
Research Libraries Group: All material originated from Joan Staats who founded the group in 1966. A list of chairpersons and meeting locations is located in the 1973 file.
Scope and Contents
Mental Health Librarians Section: Neeta Shah's files comprise this series (except for the paper from Robert Lewis) which she gathered as a member and chair of the committee. Shah's chronological arrangement was maintained.
Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section: The Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section was organized in 1962. Elisabeth Wittman's files as editor of the section newsletter comprise the papers. Originally organized by newsletter... volume, the processor separated newsletters and correspondence and arranged them in chronological order.
Pharmacy Group: Helen Hlavec, Secretary of the Pharmacy Group files consist of speeches presented at the 1951 meeting, including Barbara Cowles's, "Indexing and Abstracting of Pharmaceutical Literature," and W. Southern's "Pharmaceutical Libraries: Services and Cooperation." Hlvavec's files cover the years 1949 to 1951. The 1957 file contains a report by Elizabeth D. Marsh on "Pharmacy Schedules in Classification." Correspondence from the chairman, Theodora Andrews and the secretary, Jean Lotzke are located in the 1960-61 file. Material from the Pharmaceutical Section of the SLA is in the 1960 folder.
Public Health and Health Administration Section (PHAHA): PHAHA started in 1974. The records from 1974 to 1979 come from Winifred Sewell, who served as the recording secretary at the group's meetings. Sewell's chairman files are supplemented with carbon copies sent to Carol Arnold as chair-elect.
Research Libraries Group: All material originated from Joan Staats who founded the group in 1966. A list of chairpersons and meeting locations is located in the 1973 file.
Collecting Area Details
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