Association of Military Surgeons of the United States Biographical Sketch Collection
Identifier: MS C 142
Bierbower, Henry Claude - Lieutenant, M.R.C., U.S.A. (1874- )
Digital Record
Identifier: 5aa5d431-a678-4943-bd09-78f131c3dccb
Biggar, Hamilton Fisk, Jr. - Lieutenant and Surgeon, O.N.M. (1873- ) + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: 2bb2c139-5f10-4144-b53f-a022621c0a72
Biggs, Thomas Jacob - Lieutenant, M.C. Conn. N.G. (1866-1913) + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: 38f17fb6-e712-464a-97ab-f3c3376ba7d4
Birkner, John Martin - Lieutenant, N.N.G. (1856- ) + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: 96dd0f05-aec8-4155-b180-1de84c411105
Bishop, Eliot - Captain, M.C., U.S.A. (1880- )
Digital Record
Identifier: 0e6e70e3-14ae-42db-ac15-cd2a718bce5d
Bispham, William Newbold - Lieutenant, U.S.A. (1876- )
Digital Record
Identifier: f43915fc-8a95-4c90-8e0f-8e0cc52088c4
Black, Nelson Miles - Captain, N.D.V.I. (1870- ) + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: 07b3583b-a678-43b0-94a0-cf55c7185cc0
Blackham, Robert James - Major, R.A.M.C. (1868- )
Digital Record
Identifier: 0cd6590b-64b0-42a7-a655-3e047ef8c1d1
Blackwell, Edward Maurice - Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N. (1865- )
Digital Record
Identifier: 4b9e5ea7-4518-48ad-aece-3007fec6389b
Blain, Alexander Willis - Lieutenant, M.R.C. (1885- )
Digital Record
Identifier: c5ee9822-e0a9-4392-988c-5b3064bd7156