Association of Military Surgeons of the United States Biographical Sketch Collection
Identifier: MS C 142
Randall, Floyd Hamilton - Lieutenant, Mich. N.G. (1875- ) + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: cf967443-6767-4ebf-87be-d21a23571c2e
Raymond, Henry Ingle - Major, U.S.A. (1857- ) + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: 58b82e21-7345-4047-944d-f7592d1f5505
Raymond, Thomas Underwood - Major, U.S.A. (1865- ) + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: 66297b66-88bb-4e07-8f79-711e80f39244
Reagles, James - Contract Surgeon (1841-1913) + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: c41d85e4-69e8-401e-b638-8c625d2432dc
Reasoner, Mathew Aaron - Captain, M.D. (1875- )
Digital Record
Identifier: db427b14-87d9-4b2e-8838-85c7484939e1
Reder, Francis Le Livelle - (1864- )
Digital Record
Identifier: 46cb4254-3406-478e-ab9a-b5f242261e51
Reed, Edward Urbane - Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N. (1884- ) + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: 2c0b027b-2a8e-4312-9aa9-6dcb2dbed4bd
Reed, R. Harvey - Colonel, Wyo. N.G. (1851- ) + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: d826b9e1-00a9-49cf-a2fb-f8d06b6f6355
Reed, Walter - Major, U.S. Army (c.1902) + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: 607043a0-7ae1-4cc0-ae53-f10b7b6952a1
Rees, Charles M. - Lieutenant, M.R.C., U.S.A.
Digital Record
Identifier: df18f463-b559-4300-bf64-fc02725e91eb