Association of Military Surgeons of the United States Biographical Sketch Collection
Identifier: MS C 142
Wood, Alfred Conard - Major, N.G. Pa. (1863- )
Digital Record
Identifier: 894ca9c8-863f-43a9-9cfe-efbda425bca5
Wood, Frederick John Jennings - Major, N.G.N.Y.
Digital Record
Identifier: c3422f1b-9258-42c9-8109-6ca49e8f4fc7
Wood, William Clark - Lieutenant, N.G.N.Y. (1858- )
Digital Record
Identifier: 4af28f32-e4c5-4ff0-8a91-aeba6ddb7e8a
Woodhull, Alfred Alexander - Colonel, U.S.A. (1837- )
Digital Record
Identifier: 25392cd9-bf33-4bdc-bc8d-40a8cd0e945d
Woods, George Worth - (d.1902) + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: 149f995b-41ec-4ad0-944c-b84718c55ce1
Woodson, Robert Scott - Captain, U.S.A. (1865- )
Digital Record
Identifier: 4f40313a-47e2-4369-ac58-2398901c6ecf
Woodson, Thomas Dupuy - Lieutenant, M.R.C. (1882- )
Digital Record
Identifier: 3bf2ff15-dc29-4017-b85a-cead7a833834
Woolsey, Chester Howard - Acting Assistant Surgeon, PH&MHS (1871- )
Digital Record
Identifier: c918b91c-b2ed-43d1-a61f-2167fe1cd680
Wright, Barton Lisle - Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N. (1870- ) + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: 94d77804-f977-49ca-a938-19e5a28c9b9a
Wright, John William - Lieutenant, N.G. Pa. (1868- ) + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: ec2a4f67-af6b-456b-8db4-886d7216bf3a