Association of Military Surgeons of the United States Biographical Sketch Collection
Identifier: MS C 142
Burdett, James Crowe - Lieutenant, M.R.C., U.S.A. + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: dd6c91ea-708e-407e-87e2-f3c710dba95d
Burkart, John Leo - Captain, M.N.G. (1853- )
Digital Record
Identifier: c2346d11-ab2b-4aa6-a528-26fbe520a543
Burkhalter, John Thomas - Assistant Surgeon, PH&MHS (1872- )
Digital Record
Identifier: 4f468fce-22f4-4ebd-96db-100db6fa87a4
Burlew, Jesse Manning - Lieutenant, M.R.C. (1874- ) + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: aed9a6a8-e909-44fa-8f38-4fc1b037e7f4
Burns, William Anderson - Captain, O.N.C. (1873-1905)
Digital Record
Identifier: b2feae6b-c8ca-4a33-80ee-9969f9f34018
Butler, Charles Shorey - Lieutenant (1870- )
Digital Record
Identifier: edbdd4e3-e582-4e30-a46b-341064d210fb
Butler, Charles St. John - Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N. (1876- )
Digital Record
Identifier: 9408bcdd-9b06-4588-9010-66eb1e6af452
Butler, Patrick Francis - Captain, M.V.M. (1877- )
Digital Record
Identifier: fa21d974-4171-4eb6-9422-c62a96835bd3
Butts, Heber - Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N. (1877- )
Digital Record
Identifier: 4a652595-3f32-4933-bcf9-e198d83979e0
Byars, Caspar Ralph - Contract Surgeon, U.S.N. (1877- )
Digital Record
Identifier: aaf07490-7682-43a6-b1e7-34a651d77ef2