Association of Military Surgeons of the United States Biographical Sketch Collection
Identifier: MS C 142
Iland, Edward M. - Lieutenant, N.G. Pa. (1871- )
Digital Record
Identifier: baa40b57-ac57-474c-aefd-75721cfecd2d
Imbriaco, Pietro - Colonel, Italian Army (1845-1918)
Digital Record
Identifier: 5f33cb2f-19e9-4945-a3b8-dcd2ccad1539
Inches, James Wooffendale - Lieutenant
Digital Record
Identifier: cd638ba7-7705-4dc7-baae-087e1b7941c3
Ingalls, Henry Allison - Lieutenant, M.R.C. (1869- ) + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: 3d85b33b-e4f0-4433-8d37-2994d70a323f
Ireland, Merritte Weber - Major, M.C., U.S.A.
Digital Record
Identifier: 6b89a911-8726-45a9-9202-98ef78cf31cf
Irvine, Gerard James - Deputy Inspector General, R.N. (1849- )
Digital Record
Identifier: 71c63800-0693-492b-9ea0-4965090a3961
Irvine, William Lorne - Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N. (1881- ) + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: 62047b9d-be28-4495-a64b-4f2406d8e006
Irwin, B. J. D. - portrait only
Digital Record
Identifier: b22259ff-601b-44e6-9947-66d328feceaa
Irwin, Fairfax - Surgeon, PH&MHS (1854- ) + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: 93fcafa4-34b2-4202-bcf3-5d2ed32b9a60
Ives, Hugh Morison - Major, N.G.N.Y. (1841-1908) + portrait
Digital Record
Identifier: d76c9091-d0c1-4753-83e7-29efa1908d9c