Documents on the origin and development of the Tuskegee syphilis study
Identifier: MS C 264
M17-4 - J. Rosenwald Fund report (1940-1942)
Digital Record
Identifier: c97df59d-2879-4c18-a652-7ea88306c80b
M17-5 - Investment in people - the story of the Julius Rosenwald Fund
Digital Record
Identifier: ba50d948-da89-4c3e-b203-c07009535eb6
Found in:
Archives and Modern Manuscripts Collections
Documents on the origin and development of the Tuskegee syphilis study
Series 3: Panel Section II - General Historical Background, 1921-1973
General Articles, 1972-1973
M17-5 - Investment in people - the story of the Julius Rosenwald Fund
M17-6 - Milbank Memorial Fund report (1959-1960)
Digital Record
Identifier: f685a4c5-8ce9-4c5d-962d-3725bd3e6964
M17-8 - Washington Post. Syphilis victims 'thanked'; Evening Star. Kennedy to probe test of humans; Congressional Record. Announcement of health subcommittee hearings on human experimentation (1972)
Digital Record
Identifier: 9c43f933-2659-4350-b110-55324784e94c
Found in:
Archives and Modern Manuscripts Collections
Documents on the origin and development of the Tuskegee syphilis study
Series 4: Panel Section III - Recent Newspaper & Magazine Articles, 1972-1973
M17-8 - Washington Post. Syphilis victims 'thanked'; Evening Star. Kennedy to probe test of humans; Congressional Record. Announcement of health subcommittee hearings on human experimentation (1972)
M18-1 - Articles (7 - 10/1972)
Digital Record
Identifier: ba658ff2-e366-4098-8f97-f3e8ebd9330b
M20-1 - Los Angeles Free Press. One man's story of how the government gave him syphilis (8/1972)
Digital Record
Identifier: f0641036-8d66-45fb-bebb-35d9b4323226
Found in:
Archives and Modern Manuscripts Collections
Documents on the origin and development of the Tuskegee syphilis study
Series 4: Panel Section III - Recent Newspaper & Magazine Articles, 1972-1973
M20-1 - Los Angeles Free Press. One man's story of how the government gave him syphilis (8/1972)
M20-2 - The Nation's Health. Citizens panel to probe study (10/2/1972)
Digital Record
Identifier: a7360304-0b82-4357-9b5c-cf6e26ffc81f
M21-3 - U.S. Medicine. Safeguards preclude recurrence of controversial syphilis study (8/15/1972)
Digital Record
Identifier: 07ada48e-0f99-4f14-831e-15ec99030691
Found in:
Archives and Modern Manuscripts Collections
Documents on the origin and development of the Tuskegee syphilis study
Series 4: Panel Section III - Recent Newspaper & Magazine Articles, 1972-1973
M21-3 - U.S. Medicine. Safeguards preclude recurrence of controversial syphilis study (8/15/1972)
M22-3 - Letter. Draft board/Vonderlehr (1941)
Digital Record
Identifier: 99732e3b-717c-4ab6-979c-1fda8d9e7996
Found in:
Archives and Modern Manuscripts Collections
Documents on the origin and development of the Tuskegee syphilis study
Series 2: Panel Section I - Historical Documents Directly Related to the Tuskegee Study, 1936-1973
Papers from C.D.C. Files, 1937-1973
M22-3 - Letter. Draft board/Vonderlehr (1941)
M22-4 - Letter. Caldwell/Brown (1970)
Digital Record
Identifier: 8c21e2ba-d1a9-4254-b658-730046ceeb20
Found in:
Archives and Modern Manuscripts Collections
Documents on the origin and development of the Tuskegee syphilis study
Series 2: Panel Section I - Historical Documents Directly Related to the Tuskegee Study, 1936-1973
Papers from C.D.C. Files, 1937-1973
M22-4 - Letter. Caldwell/Brown (1970)