Documents on the origin and development of the Tuskegee syphilis study
Identifier: MS C 264
M3-4 - Forty fourth cumulative list of institutions in compliance, May 19, 1972
Digital Record
Identifier: fa5726e6-43c1-4585-aee3-bfad357b7e92
Found in:
Archives and Modern Manuscripts Collections
Documents on the origin and development of the Tuskegee syphilis study
Series 10: Panel Section IX - Government Documents Related to Experimentation with Human Subjects, 1970-1973
M3-4 - Forty fourth cumulative list of institutions in compliance, May 19, 1972
M3-5 - Chapter 1-40
Digital Record
Identifier: dbc4be7e-623c-4730-b5ff-ea98461fe181
M3-6 - (superseded) PHS 1966 policy on protection of human subjects
Digital Record
Identifier: 5264588b-a238-48fe-9e5e-db61ff05c290
Found in:
Archives and Modern Manuscripts Collections
Documents on the origin and development of the Tuskegee syphilis study
Series 10: Panel Section IX - Government Documents Related to Experimentation with Human Subjects, 1970-1973
M3-6 - (superseded) PHS 1966 policy on protection of human subjects
M3-7 - January 24, 1972 memorandum
Digital Record
Identifier: b2901363-4da6-4c32-ac81-3a10c669b16f
M3-8 - April 15,1971 memorandum
Digital Record
Identifier: f83f0344-8419-48b8-b37f-927a5b5d6831
M3-9 - July 1, 1966 memorandum
Digital Record
Identifier: 80099c8c-d476-4036-9b09-89dbc6e05f82
M3-10 - Congressional Record. Death toll from human experimentation (9/14/1972)
Digital Record
Identifier: 46d166e9-7c23-48fc-be0b-b272e3c6388a
Found in:
Archives and Modern Manuscripts Collections
Documents on the origin and development of the Tuskegee syphilis study
Series 11: Panel Section X - Non-Government Documents Related to Experimentation with Human Subjects, 1972-1973
M3-10 - Congressional Record. Death toll from human experimentation (9/14/1972)
M3-11 - Congressional Record. S3951 National Human Experimentation Standards Boards Act (9/15/1972)
Digital Record
Identifier: 396a759d-1f3c-45ce-b02c-399ef3cf30e7
Found in:
Archives and Modern Manuscripts Collections
Documents on the origin and development of the Tuskegee syphilis study
Series 5: Panel Section IV - Law-Related Articles/Documents, 1927-1973
M3-11 - Congressional Record. S3951 National Human Experimentation Standards Boards Act (9/15/1972)
M3-12 - Congressional Record. S3895 Javits bill (8/17/1972)
Digital Record
Identifier: 8d402cc6-8298-4d01-8c53-94117934077a
M3-13 - Pediatric News. Means on hand to control VD (6/1972)
Digital Record
Identifier: 1d8c1df0-5d6d-46f1-8ecb-c10bee4e8883