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National League for Nursing Records

Identifier: MS C 274

National League for Nursing Records

Identifier: MS C 274

Includes proceedings of annual conventions, minutes of meetings, biographical data of early leaders, correspondence, photos, and miscellaneous material.


Collection is not restricted. Contact the Reference Staff for information regarding access.

Creation: 1894-1952
3.2 Linear Feet (8 boxes)
Related Names
National League for Nursing
Language of Materials
Language of Materials

Some have biographical information. See listing of photos in Acces and Use section.

Early Leaders of American Nursing, 1922

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 39
Creation: 1922

Handwritten minutes of annual conventions starting with the first one in 1894 up to the ninth convention in September 1902. The back cover and page 142 lists names of the original committee and their addresses. Index A to Z blank. Pages 1 through 106 utilized; pages 107 to 141 blank.

Creation: 1894-1902

Annual conventions proceedings, 1903-1914

 File — Box: 2, Volume: vol. b

9x11 1/2" black, hard cover book with same gold lettering identifying the Society. Continuation of proceedings of the annual conventions starting with the tenth convention in 1903 and concluding with the eleventh annual convention minutes on page 21 (Pages 22 to 159 are blank). Minutes of the Council, dated October 16, 1904 starting on page 226 are typewritten copies which end April 29, 1914. Contains the petition for change of name from the American Society of Superintendents of Training Schools for Nurses to National League for Nursing Education, July 21, 1914.

Creation: 1903-1914

Handwritten listing of membership by name, school graduated from, year and position held covering the period 1893 to 1897 and 1900-1918. Pages 2 to 125 utilized, pages 126 to 200 blank.

Creation: 1893-1897; 1900-1918

Beginning of an index on conventions but incomplete. Original signatures of members attending conventions, their addresses, training schools and positions held. Covers 1894 to 1913; pages 1 through 198. Five loose pages, both sides containing more original signatures, addresses and positions. They appear to have been part of a loose leaf book.

Creation: 1894-1913

(3a)ll tissue pages filled and numbering 498 pages. Some not readable. Handwritten listing of members, Superintendents of Training Schools for Nurses: copies of letters sent to them by the secretary, Miss M.A. Nutting July 19, 1903 ending March 31, 1905. Correspondence pertains to preparations for programs, demonstrations, exhibits for conventions and appointments to committees. (3b) 498 tissue pages. Pages 391 to 498 are blank.Continuation of correspondence March 18, 1905 until May 15, 1906.

Creation: 1903-1905; 1905-1906

Series of annual calendars, representing the more prominent early leaders folowed by contemporary leaders in the different branches of nursing. The series sharts with the Florence Nightingale calendar in 1921 commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founder of modern nursing. (Years missing: 1927, 1929, 1930, 1932)

Creation: 1921-1933

Brown and yellow speckled hard cover, lined note book 5 x 7-3/4". Eight (8) loose pages of typed information on the seal and the pin, interpretation, and distinguished awardees of the 14 Kt. gold pin. (One of the sample rolled gold pins in box.)

Creation: May 1920 through 1951

Forty (40) reels of 16mm microfilm with the exception of box #1, which contains a 34mm microfilm tape. Each box has a typewritten content identification as to subject and chronological period. Original microfilmed records still maintained by the NLN.

Creation: 1893-1952

Historical Records, 1893-1916

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 1
Creation: 1893-1916

Minutes, Bd. of Directors, 1910-1929

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 2
Creation: 1910-1929

Minutes, Bd. of Directors, 1934-1944

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 3
Creation: 1934-1944

Minutes, Bd. of Directors, 1945-1950

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 4
Creation: 1945-1950

Minutes, Bd. of Directors, 1950-1952

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 5
Creation: 1950-1952
Creation: 1936-1949

Cabinet Steering Committee, 1932-1951

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 7
Creation: 1932-1951
Creation: 1929-1952

Minutes, Historical Records, 1917-1952

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 9
Creation: 1917-1952

NOPHN Board, 1950-1933

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 10
Creation: 1950-1933

NOPHN Committees, 1930-1943

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 11
Creation: 1930-1943

NOPHN Committees, 1930-1943

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 12
Creation: 1930-1943

NOPHN Policies, 1926-1950

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 13
Creation: 1926-1950

NOPHN Minutes, 1927-1951

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 14
Creation: 1927-1951

NOPHN Minutes, 1920-1937

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 15
Creation: 1920-1937

NOPHN Minutes, 1937, etc.

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 16
Creation: 1937, etc.

NOPHN Minutes, Joint, 1936-1949

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 17
Creation: 1936-1949

NOPHN Misc. Committees, 1928-1950

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 18
Creation: 1928-1950

NOPHN Committees, 1931-1952

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 19
Creation: 1931-1952

NOPHN Budget Structure, 1923-1948

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 20
Creation: 1923-1948

Misc. Material (NOPHN), 1949-

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 21
Creation: 1949-

NOPHN Records, 1927

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 22
Creation: 1927

NOPHN Misc. Material, 1952

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 23
Creation: 1952

NOPHN Misc. materiald, 1928

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 24
Creation: 1928

NOPHN Membership, 1920-1939

 File — Box: 4, Reel: 25
Creation: 1920-1939

NOPHN Convention, etc., 1950

 File — Box: 5, Reel: 26
Creation: 1950

NOPHN Committess, 1912-1952

 File — Box: 5, Reel: 27
Creation: 1912-1952

NOPHN Committee Meeting, 1943-1948

 File — Box: 5, Reel: 28
Creation: 1943-1948