John F. Fulton Papers
Identifier: MS C 603
12 - The energy, mass and velocity which is required of small missiles in order to produce a casualty
Digital Record
Identifier: 101085500X197
Found in:
Archives and Modern Manuscripts Collections
John F. Fulton Papers
Series 1: Reports, 1935-1953
United States
NRC - Division of Medical Sciences (DMS)
Missile Casualties Reports
12 - The energy, mass and velocity which is required of small missiles in order to produce a casualty, 1945
12 - Water shortage in the desert
Digital Record
Identifier: 101085500X315
13 - Damage to peripheral nerves by high velocity missiles without a direct hit
Digital Record
Identifier: 101085500X198
13 - Water losses of men on life rafts
Digital Record
Identifier: 101085500X316
15 - The military loss resulting from a casualty related to the days lost from active duty
Digital Record
Identifier: 101085500X199
16 - The relationship between flak wounds and the fragments causing them in air crew personnel
Digital Record
Identifier: 101085500X200
17 - Appraisal of rapid killing power of high velocity bullets
Digital Record
Identifier: 101085500X201
54 - Selection of men for physical work in hot weather
Digital Record
Identifier: 101085500X292
54 - The requirements of water and of sodium chloride for the best performance of men working in hot climates
Digital Record
Identifier: 101085500X291
Found in:
Archives and Modern Manuscripts Collections
John F. Fulton Papers
Series 1: Reports, 1935-1953
United States
OSRD - Committee on Medical Research (CMR)
Contract Reports (OEMcmr)
54 - The requirements of water and of sodium chloride for the best performance of men working in hot climates, undated
64 - A study of the effects of taking glucose during long sustained work in the heat
Digital Record
Identifier: 101085500X293