Charles Glen King Papers
Identifier: MS C 473
Science (April 1, 1932) first report of vitamin C identification, 1932
Digital Record
Identifier: a9afede8-aa43-4528-bf5e-dd2732d3efe9
Scott Award, 1949
Digital Record
Identifier: e32095e3-45e3-4f2c-8e72-34df99ec0a69
Some advances in nutrition research, 1969
Digital Record
Identifier: 092fbde7-32e5-4deb-ac74-cf65e385beef
Some specific physiological disturbances induced by marginal vitamin deficiencies (C and B1), 1942
Digital Record
Identifier: 98f4748c-e6f2-4c72-bff2-0c0a2716e5ff
Specificity and inhibition characteristics of liver esterase and pancrease lipase - with H. H. R. Weber, 1935
Digital Record
Identifier: 7bea7286-2425-415d-bedb-86e97edc74f6
Speeches, 1948-1967
Digital Record
Identifier: c60d9085-845a-4a53-ab5b-ac644736032d
Strategy in the evaluation of novel protein foods, 1968
Digital Record
Identifier: 409062dd-83b6-46e9-a773-298cc91230a6
Studies on the possible carrier role of ascorbic acid in animal tissues - with M. O. Schultze, C. J. Harrer, 1939
Digital Record
Identifier: 8991be8e-c434-43f5-b406-b2cbae2cc0aa
Studies on the reduction of dehydroascorbic acid by guinea pig tissues - with M. O. Schultze, E. Stotz, 1938
Digital Record
Identifier: d1c46370-ea9b-4d2c-9e59-9fc029748a32
Synthetic glycerides. I. Preparation and melting points of glycerides of known construction - with H. P. Averill, J. N. Roche, 1929
Digital Record
Identifier: d0034799-2aa1-498c-b55b-db5e9835f462