Margaret Pittman Papers
Margaret Pittman Papers
Personal material, professional correspondence, laboratory and research notes, subject files, manuscripts, reprints, professional activity material, and photographic media document the professional career of American bacteriologist Margaret Pittman. Her collection of papers (1921-1993; 24.7 linear feet) focuses on her professional career as Chief of the Laboratory of Biological Products, Division of Biologics Standards (DBS), National Institutes of Health (NIH); it also contains material from her retirement period. Her emphasis at NIH and beyond was on the standardization of biological product, especially bacterial vaccines, and the development of general international standards. Pittman also conducted extensive research into Bordetella pertussis (whooping cough), Haemophilus influenzae (meningitis), Haemophilus aegyptius (conjunctivitis), Cholera, and Typhoid.
The Correspondence series consists of domestic and international correspondence from her professional career at NIH and her retirement period. There are four sub-series: Pre-Retirement, Post-Retirement, Alphabetical By Topic, and Loose Leaf. The Pre-Retirement sub-series is further divided into Domestic and International sub-sub-series; each sub-sub-series is arranged alphabetically by folder title. The Post-Retirement sub-series is arranged chronologically by date and contains a few folders from her pre-retirement period. Topics in the Alphabetical By Topic sub-series include specific people (such as Pearl Kendrick and Maria Stronk), bacterial strains, and general institutional correspondence. The Loose Leaf sub-series consists of stray correspondence gathered from the rest of the collection and arranged chronologically by date.
The Research Files series contains papers and notes written by Pittman on her four main research subjects: the Genus Haemophilus (H. aegyptius, H. influenzae, and H. suis), Cholera and Typhoid Vaccines, Bordetella Pertussis, and General Standards. All files are organized alphabetically by sub-series and then chronologically within each sub-series.
The Writings series contains manuscript drafts, notes, outlines, and reprints authored by Pittman and other material related to her publications. The series is divided into two sub-series: Manuscript Drafts, Notes, and Outlines (D/N/O) and Reprints. The Manuscript D/N/O sub-series contains draft material for Pittman's published and unpublished works. Each folder is labeled according to the published title of the manuscript instead of the draft or working title, with the exception of folders that can only be identified by the working or draft title. In these cases the manuscript is marked in the folder title list as unpublished. If the contents of the folder could not be matched up with a published work and a working title is not given, then the folder is labeled as Notes and Drafts from the given year range.
- Access Restrictions
No restrictions on access.
- Dates
- Creation: 1921-1993
- Extent
- 24.7 Linear Feet (22 boxes)
- Related Names
- Pittman, Margaret, 1901-
- Kendrick, Pearl
- Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (U.S.)
- National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Division of Biologics Standards. National Microbiological Institute. Biologics Control Laboratory
- Language of Materials
- English
- Script
- Latn
- Dates
- Creation: 1926-1993
Articles, 1939-1992
- Dates
- Creation: 1939-1992
Articles About Pittman, 1939-1992
- Dates
- Creation: 1939-1992
Collected Obituaries, 1956-[circa 1985]
- Dates
- Creation: 1956-[circa 1985]
General Interest, 1940-1989
- Dates
- Creation: 1940-1989
Medicine on the Midway Interview, 1986-1988
- Dates
- Creation: 1986-1988
NIHAA Newsletter Interview, 1989
- Dates
- Creation: 1989
Awards, 1950-1990
- Dates
- Creation: 1950-1990
Washington Academy of Sciences Membership Election Certificate, 1944 Nov 20
- Dates
- Creation: 1944 Nov 20
Pan American World Airways Certificate for Crossing the Equator, 1950 Aug 14
- Dates
- Creation: 1950 Aug 14
Awards and Recognitions, 1950-1990
- Dates
- Creation: 1950-1990
New York Academy of Sciences Certification Elected an Active Member, 1956 Dec 20
- Dates
- Creation: 1956 Dec 20
American Academy of Microbiology Certificate of Charter Fellowship, 1958 Jan 1
- Dates
- Creation: 1958 Jan 1
American Board of Microbiology Certificate of Qualification in Public Health and Medical Laboratory Bacteriology, 1962 Nov 29
- Dates
- Creation: 1962 Nov 29
DHEW Certificate for Superior Service, 1963 Apr 11
- Dates
- Creation: 1963 Apr 11
New York Academy of Sciences Certification Elected a Fellow, 1963 Dec 4
- Dates
- Creation: 1963 Dec 4
DHEW Certificate for Distinguished Service, 1967 Apr 11
- Dates
- Creation: 1967 Apr 11
Federal Woman's Award, 1970
- Dates
- Creation: 1970
Sigma Delta Epsilon National Honorary Member, 1974 Jun 24
- Dates
- Creation: 1974 Jun 24
"Arkansan of the Year" Award from the Arkansas Broadcasters Association, 1984
- Dates
- Creation: 1984
Sigma Delta Epsilon Woman Scientist Extraordinary, 1986 Jan
- Dates
- Creation: 1986 Jan
CDC Certificate of Appreciation, 1987 Mar 16
- Dates
- Creation: 1987 Mar 16
Infectious Diseases Society of America Citation Award, 1987 Oct 8
- Dates
- Creation: 1987 Oct 8
Medical Alumni Association Distinguished Service Award, 1988
- Dates
- Creation: 1988
American Society for Microbiology Alice Evans Award, 1990
- Dates
- Creation: 1990
DHHS Secretary's Volunteer Award, 1993 Apr 21
- Dates
- Creation: 1993 Apr 21
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research Achievement Award, undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
Biographical, 1926-1993
- Dates
- Creation: 1926-1993
Collected Autobiographical Material, 1950-1993, undated
- Dates
- Creation: 1950-1993, undated
Contact Address Cards, undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
Curriculum Vitae, 1938-1991
- Dates
- Creation: 1938-1991
Early Searching, 1934-1936
- Dates
- Creation: 1934-1936
Executive Inventory Record, 1967-1973
- Dates
- Creation: 1967-1973
General, 1940-1975
- Dates
- Creation: 1940-1975
Guest Worker, 1979-1988
- Dates
- Creation: 1979-1988
National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel, 1962-1970
- Dates
- Creation: 1962-1970
Performance Review, 1940-1969
- Dates
- Creation: 1940-1969
Progress Reports and Job Descriptions, 1943-1964
- Dates
- Creation: 1943-1964
Cite Item
Pittman, Margaret. Margaret Pittman Papers. 1921-1993. Located in: Archives and Modern Manuscripts Collection, History of Medicine Division, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD; MS C 590.
Cite Item Description
Pittman, Margaret. Margaret Pittman Papers. 1921-1993. Located in: Archives and Modern Manuscripts Collection, History of Medicine Division, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD; MS C 590. Accessed March 15, 2025.