Michael E. DeBakey Archives
Collection — Box 40 - Closed Records
Identifier: MS C 582
National Medal of Science [mounted photograph reproduction of certificate; front and back of medal photograph; photograph of DeBakey receiving award]
Digital Record
Identifier: 101662437X777
Found in:
Archives and Modern Manuscripts Collections
Michael E. DeBakey Archives
Series 5: Professional Activities and Awards, 1933-2009
Awards and Honors, 1952-2008
National Medal of Science [mounted photograph reproduction of certificate; front and back of medal photograph; photograph of DeBakey receiving award], 1987
National Research Council - Division of Medical Science
Digital Record
Identifier: 101662437X724
"New Knowledge and Health Care"; "Health as a Humanitarian Value," White House Conference on Health, Washington, D.C.
Digital Record
Identifier: 101662437X639
NIH - 1968 Appropriations Meeting
Digital Record
Identifier: 101662437X310
NLM Outreach Planning Panel Report
Digital Record
Identifier: 101662437X396
Nobel Nomination
Digital Record
Identifier: 101662437X788
Notes and Drafts Regarding Surgical History
Digital Record
Identifier: 101662437X623
Notes on Bibliographic References
Digital Record
Identifier: 101662437X624
Notice of Claim
Digital Record
Identifier: 101662437X370
Nurse and Surgical Training Programs
Digital Record
Identifier: 101662437X161