Box 41
Contains 41 Results:
Multiprocessing the Sieve of Eratosthenes. SH Bokhari. IEEE Computer. 1997 Apr. 9 pages
File — Box: 41, Folder: 11
Report From the MPP Working Group to the NASA Associate Administrator for Space Science and Applications. JR Fischer, C Grosch, M McAnulty, J O'Donnell, O Storey. NASA Technical Memorandum 87819. 1987 Nov. 64 pages
File — Box: 41, Folder: 12
Supercomputer 22. Amsterdam Universities Computing Centre. 1987 Nov. 54 pages
File — Box: 41, Folder: 13
Proceedings of Frontiers '88, the Second Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation. R Mills, editor. IEEE Computer Society Press. 1988 Oct 10-12 (symposium dates). 777 pages
File — Box: 41, Folder: 14
Our Changing Planet: A U.S. Strategy for Global Change Research -- To Accompany the U.S. President's Fiscal Year 1990 Budget. FCCSET Committee on Earth Sciences. 1989. 43 pages
File — Box: 41, Folder: 15
Our Changing Planet: The FY 1990 Research Plan. The U.S. Global Change Research Program. FCCSET Committee on Earth Sciences. 1989 Jul. 196 pages
File — Box: 41, Folder: 16
Our Changing Planet: The FY 1990 Research Plan -- Executive Summary. The U.S. Global Change Research Program. FCCSET Committee on Earth Sciences. 1989 Jul. 46 pages
File — Box: 41, Folder: 17
Supercomputer Hardware: An Update of the 1983 Report's Summary and Tables. IEEE Scientific Supercomputer Subcommittee. Computer, published by the IEEE Computer Society. 1989 Nov. 6 pages
File — Box: 41, Folder: 18
Our Changing Planet: The FY 1991 U.S. Global Change Research Program -- To Accompany the U.S. President's Fiscal Year 1990 Budget. FCCSET Committee on Earth Sciences. 1990. 67 pages
File — Box: 41, Folder: 19
Perspectives: Success Factors in Critical Technologies. CSPP. 1990 Jul. 27 pages
File — Box: 41, Folder: 20