Menu from Michael Heidelberger's good-bye dinner after his postdoctoral stay in Europe
- Creation: [1912]
2 pages
This menu, likely for a fare-well dinner in Heidelberger's honor after his postdoctoral year in the laboratory of the organic chemist and future (1915) Nobel Laureate Richard Martin Willstatter at the Federal Polytechnic Institute in Zurich, was signed by most of the ca. twenty visiting and staff researchers in Willstatter's group. Signatories included Arthur Stoll, Willstatter's chief assistant and co-author of several of his path-breaking studies on the chemistry of chlorophyll and other plant pigments, and Hans T. Clarke, who would later chair the biochemistry department at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons, and become one of Heidelberger's colleagues. Note that as head of the laboratory and a scientist of world renown, Willstatter was entitled to leave the tallest and most prominent signature.
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Physical Condition - Good
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