Showing Collections: 761 - 768 of 768
Winifred Sewell papers
W.M. Haffkine collection [microfilm]
Microfilmed personal diaries of W.M. Haffkine and published materials from the India Home Department related to the Mulkowal vaccination incident of 1902.
Wojciech Antoni "Al" Krotoski papers
Wyndham D. Miles Papers on the History of the National Library of Medicine
Material Wyndham Miles accumulated during the course of preparing the history.
Wyndham Miles NIH Oral History Collection
Interviews made by Wyndham Miles of significant figures in the early history and development of NIH.
Yandell Henderson papers on the merit of a resuscitation apparatus
Correspondence and writings about mechanical resuscitation apparatus and photographs of Anglo-American physiological expedition on Pike's Peak.
Zhores A. Medvedev, Mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo uchenykh i natsional 'nye granitsy
Microfilm copy, a copy in Russian, and an English translation of one chapter of International Scientific Cooperation and National Boundaries by Zhores A. Medvedev.
Zuriel and George Waterman Papers
Daybooks, correspondence, ledgers and journals pertaining to medical practice, as well as memorandum books kept on board a privateer during the American Revolution.