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Showing Collections: 761 - 768 of 768

Winifred Sewell papers

Identifier: HMD MS ACC 2003-009
Abstract UNPROCESSED COLLECTION. "Mother of MeSH" professional files related to her work as an NLM contractor, special librarian and information professional. Primarily worked as a contractor/consultant; also taught courses at Univ. of Maryland College of Lib and Info Science. Deceased in 2002. Strong connection with MLA and SLA as well. Area of specialty was controlled vocabularies, medical terminology, medical librarianship. One of original contractors hired by NLM to developed MESH. Personal...
Dates: 1930-2001

W.M. Haffkine collection [microfilm]

Identifier: MS Film 36

Microfilmed personal diaries of W.M. Haffkine and published materials from the India Home Department related to the Mulkowal vaccination incident of 1902.

Dates: 1892-1930

Wojciech Antoni "Al" Krotoski papers

Identifier: HMD MS ACC 2019-018
Abstract Personal papers related to career PHS Officer Krotoski's research on malaria and other tropical diseases, primarily from his duty station at National Hansen's Disease Center in Carville, La., especially his work on the discovery of the hypnozoite form of malaria in 1980. Contents include photomicroscopy slides/prints with accompanying lab notebook inventory; travel and teaching slides esp. from foreign research projects in China, Marshall Islands; publication files; research and...
Dates: 1950s-1995

Wyndham D. Miles Papers on the History of the National Library of Medicine

Identifier: MS C 431

Material Wyndham Miles accumulated during the course of preparing the history.

Dates: 1864-1984

Wyndham Miles NIH Oral History Collection

Identifier: OH 149

Interviews made by Wyndham Miles of significant figures in the early history and development of NIH.

Dates: 1962-1973

Yandell Henderson papers on the merit of a resuscitation apparatus

Identifier: MS C 230

Correspondence and writings about mechanical resuscitation apparatus and photographs of Anglo-American physiological expedition on Pike's Peak.

Dates: 1911-1944

Zhores A. Medvedev, Mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo uchenykh i natsional 'nye granitsy

Identifier: MS C 226

Microfilm copy, a copy in Russian, and an English translation of one chapter of International Scientific Cooperation and National Boundaries by Zhores A. Medvedev.

Dates: 1969-1970

Zuriel and George Waterman Papers

Identifier: MS C 136

Daybooks, correspondence, ledgers and journals pertaining to medical practice, as well as memorandum books kept on board a privateer during the American Revolution.

Dates: 1774-1817

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Collecting Area
Archives and Modern Manuscripts Collections 754
Prints and Photographs Collections 8
Audiovisuals Collections 6
United States 61
Military Medicine 56
Public Health 43
Libraries, Medical 41
Education, Medical 25
∨ more
Biography 24
Societies, Medical 24
Physicians 20
History of Medicine 19
Pediatrics 19
District of Columbia 18
General Surgery 17
Interview 17
Neoplasms 16
Child Development 15
Public Health Administration 15
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome 14
Yellow Fever 14
American Civil War 13
Diary 13
Medical Informatics 13
Military Personnel 13
Cardiology 12
Maryland 12
Mental Health 12
Research 12
Health Policy 11
Medicine 11
Thoracic Surgery 11
Nursing 10
Personal Narratives 10
Obstetrics 9
Tropical Medicine 9
Virology 9
California 8
Government Agencies--history 8
Indians, North American 8
Personal Narrative 8
Physiology 8
Research--organization & administration 8
Societies 8
Bacteriology 7
Communicable Diseases 7
Ethics, Medical 7
Heart, Artificial 7
Lecture note 7
Ophthalmology 7
Psychiatry 7
Publishing 7
Sexually Transmitted Diseases 7
Documentaries and Factual Films 6
Human Experimentation 6
Malaria 6
Military Medicine--history 6
Naval Medicine 6
Pathology 6
World War II 6
Address 5
Black or African American 5
Brazil 5
Case Reports 5
Child Welfare 5
Germany 5
Health Education 5
Heart-Assist Devices 5
Hospital Administration 5
Hospitals 5
India 5
Libraries, Medical--history 5
Military Hygiene 5
Minority Health 5
New York 5
Psychology 5
Societies, Scientific 5
Tennessee 5
Tuberculosis 5
World War I 5
Aerospace Medicine 4
Alcoholism 4
Bioethics 4
Cardiovascular Surgical Procedures 4
China 4
Collected Correspondence 4
Congresses 4
Disease Outbreaks 4
Environmental Health 4
Ephemera 4
Epidemiology 4
Global Health 4
Gynecology 4
Health Care Economics and Organizations 4
Health Care Reform 4
Health Services Research 4
Hospitals, Military 4
Leprosy 4
Leukemia 4
Libraries, Medical--organization & administration 4
Medical Records 4
Medical Records Systems, Computerized 4
Midwifery 4
+ ∧ less
English 754
French 6
German 6
Spanish; Castilian 5
Italian 2
∨ more  
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) 38
National Library of Medicine (U.S.) 29
United States. Public Health Service 29
United States. Surgeon-General's Office 26
Library of the Surgeon-General's Office (U.S.) 20
∨ more
Army Medical Library (U.S.) 19
Billings, John S. (John Shaw), 1838-1913 16
National Cancer Institute (U.S.) 14
United States. Food and Drug Administration 12
National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) 9
United States. Army. Medical Department 9
American Medical Association 8
Armed Forces Medical Library (U.S.) 7
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 6
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (U.S.) 6
United States. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 6
DeBakey, Michael E. (Michael Ellis), 1908-2008 5
Group Health Association (Washington, D.C.) 5
Harvard Medical School 5
Hill, Lister, 1894-1984 5
Hygienic Laboratory (U.S.) 5
Jones, Harold Wellington, 1877-1958 5
Koop, C. Everett (Charles Everett), 1916-2013 5
Miles, Wyndham D., 1916- 5
Reed, Walter, 1851-1902 5
United States. Army 5
Unknown 5
Army Medical Museum (U.S.) 4
Columbia University. College of Physicians and Surgeons 4
DeVries, William C. (William Castle), 1943- 4
Gorgas, William Crawford, 1854-1920 4
Lasker, Mary 4
Lindberg, Donald A.B., 1933-2019 4
Marston, Robert Q., 1923- 4
National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) 4
National Board of Health (U.S.) 4
National Heart Institute (U.S.) 4
National Library of Medicine (U.S.). Office of the Director 4
New York Academy of Medicine 4
Osler, William, Sir, 1849-1919 4
Rockefeller Foundation. International Health Division 4
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research 4
Shannon, James A. (James Augustine), 1904-1994 4
United States. Veterans Administration 4
Wiprud, Theodore, 1891-1978 4
World Health Organization 4
Abrahams, Harold J. 3
Acadia Institute 3
Adams, Scott, 1909- 3
Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation 3
American Association for the History of Medicine 3
American College of Nurse-Midwives 3
American Public Health Association 3
Army Medical Library (U.S.). Office of the Director 3
Ashburn, P. M. (Percy Moreau), 1872-1940 3
Association of American Medical Colleges 3
Bowen, Murray, 1913-1990 3
Gallo, Robert C. 3
Garrison, Fielding H. (Fielding Hudson), 1870-1935 3
Halsted, William, 1852-1922 3
Hume, Edgar Erskine, 1889- 3
Institute of Medicine (U.S.) 3
Jarcho, Saul 3
Jarvik, Robert, 1946- 3
Lederberg, Joshua 3
Medical Library Association 3
Medical Society of the District of Columbia 3
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (U.S.) 3
National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Clinical Center 3
National Research Council (U.S.) 3
Parran, Thomas, Jr., 1892-1968 3
Public Health Service Hospital at Carville, La. 3
Robinson, Victor, 1886-1947 3
Rockefeller Foundation 3
Rogers, Frank B. (Frank Bradway), 1914-1987 3
Senn, Milton J. E., 1902- 3
Society for Research in Child Development 3
Swazey, Judith P. 3
Terry, Luther L. (Luther Leonidas), 1911-1985 3
Toepper, C. G. (Charles G.), 1874-1942 3
United States. Department of Health and Human Services 3
United States. Environmental Protection Agency 3
Walter Reed Army Hospital (Washington, D.C.) 3
Williams, Ralph C. (Ralph Chester), 1888-1984 3
Yale University. School of Medicine 3
Adriani, John, 1907-1988 2
Alliance for Engineering in Medicine and Biology 2
American Association for Thoracic Surgery 2
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma 2
American Burn Association 2
American College of Cardiology 2
American College of Physicians 2
American Medical Informatics Association 2
Anonymous 2
Armstrong, Charles, 1886-1967 2
Association of Honorary Consultants to the Army Medical Library 2
Association of Military Surgeons of the United States 2
Avery, Oswald Theodore, 1877-1955 2
Baltimore City Hospitals 2
Bayne-Jones, Stanhope, 1888-1970 2
+ ∧ less