Personal Narrative
Found in 18 Collections and/or Records:
2009 H1N1 Flu Pandemic Response Archives Oral History Collection
Interviews with DHHS federal staff that had significant roles in managing and directing the federal response to the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic, conducted on behalf of the National Library of Medicine for the Making History: H1N1 Oral History Project.
American Child Guidance Clinic and Child Psychiatry Movement Interview Collection
These interviews, a continuation of Dr. Senn's previous child development oral history project, range over a variety of related subjects with emphasis on child guidance. Notable interviewees are John Bowlby and Anna Freud.
Tapes and transcripts exist for each interview.
Carl Voegtlin Papers
Autobiographical notes (1958) by Dr. Voegtlin as well as an obituary article written by Dr. Helen Dyer for Journal of the NCI (1960).
George Libman Engel Oral History Collection
The collection contains 3 interviews with George Engel conducted by 3 separate individuals.
International Rehabilitation Center for Polio 'Polio Voices' Oral History Collection
James W. Papez Oral History Collection
A collection of oral history interviews with Papez's students and colleagues conducted by Dr. Kenneth E. Livingston intended to document the contributions of the neuroanatomist James W. Papez to neuroscience.
Mary Eugenie Maver Papers
Consists of the author's autobiography (78 p.), some biographical information, correspondence, and a list of publications.
Medical Library Association Oral History Collection
A collection of taped and transcribed oral history interviews with MLA members who have had a significant impact on medical librarianship and the Association.
My experiences in Panama / Sir Ronald Ross
A brief reminiscence of Ronald Ross's trip from New York to Panama and back during the fall of 1904.
National Institute of Mental Health Oral History Collection
The collection contains interviews with former directors and other individuals significant to the foundation and early history of the National Institute of Mental Health. Dr. Eli A. Rubenstein conducted the interviews between the years 1975-1978 as background for an intended book about the institute.