Showing Records: 11 - 20 of 912
A New Microcomputer-Based ECG Analysis System
Digital Record
Identifier: 101584929X106
Publication: September 1983
A Peoples' Army in the Fight Against Mental Illness
Digital Record
Identifier: 101743403X15
A Proposal for the Technical Evaluation of Psychiatric Drugs
Digital Record
Identifier: 101743403X4
16 February 1956
A Scientific Breakthrough [Editorial]
Digital Record
Identifier: 101584939X115
A Study of the Factors Influencing the Rate and Extent of Enzymic Reactivation during Reoxidation of Reduced Ribonucelase
Digital Record
Identifier: 101584571X143
Publication: 1962
A Suggested Program for the National Society for Medical Research for 1966-7
Digital Record
Identifier: 101584928X183
[ca. 1966]
Acceleration of Reactivation of Reduced Bovine Pancreatic Ribonuclease by a Microsomal System from Rat Liver
Digital Record
Identifier: 101584571X144
Publication: February 1963
Acute and Short-Term Effects of a New Calcium Antagonist in Hypertension
Digital Record
Identifier: 101584929X22
Publication: [May-June 1982]
Administration Cuts Hurt Mental Health Centers and Training
Digital Record
Identifier: 101743403X50
8 June 1971
Found in:
Archives and Modern Manuscripts Collections
Mike Gorman Papers
Speeches and Public Appearances, 1955-1988
"Administration Cuts Hurt Mental Health Centers and Training," US House of Representatives Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor-H.E.W.: Testimony on Fiscal 1972 Budget for the National Institute of Mental Health, Washington, DC, June 8, 1971