Showing Records: 1 - 10 of 12
A Study of the Factors Influencing the Rate and Extent of Enzymic Reactivation during Reoxidation of Reduced Ribonucelase
Digital Record
Identifier: 101584571X143
Publication: 1962
Acceleration of Reactivation of Reduced Bovine Pancreatic Ribonuclease by a Microsomal System from Rat Liver
Digital Record
Identifier: 101584571X144
Publication: February 1963
Commentary by Christian B. Anfinsen on 'Studies on the Structural Basis of Ribonuclease Activity'
Digital Record
Identifier: 101584571X160
Publication: 1989
Fluorescence Studies of the Interaction of Nucleotides with the Active Site of the Nuclease of Staphylococcus aureus
Digital Record
Identifier: 101584571X150
Publication: November 1967
Protein Structure and Biological Activity
Digital Record
Identifier: 101584571X165
Publication: 1959
Purification and Properties of a Microsomal Enzyme System Catalyzing the Reactivation of Reduced Ribonuclease and Lysozyme
Digital Record
Identifier: 101584571X145
Publication: 1964
Some Relationships of Structure to Function in Ribonuclease
Digital Record
Identifier: 101584571X166
Publication: 4 September 1959
Studies of the Aromatic Circular Dichroism of Staphylococcal Nuclease
Digital Record
Identifier: 101584571X174
Publication: November 1969
Studies on the Gross Structure, Cross-Linkages, and Terminal Sequences in Ribonuclease
Digital Record
Identifier: 101584571X141
Publication: March 1954
Studies on the Principles That Govern the Folding of Protein Chains
Digital Record
Identifier: 101584571X120
Publication: 1973
Found in:
Archives and Modern Manuscripts Collections
Christian Anfinsen Papers
Series 4: Reprints and Research Publications, 1950-1993
Anfinsen Publications, 1954-1993
Book Excerpts
"Studies on the Principles that Govern the Folding of Protein Chains", Nobel Lecture, 100-119 in Les Prix Nobel en 1972 (Nobel Foundation 1973), 11 December 1972